17 Day Diet, Day 3 – YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YES, This is the Number the Scale God Showed Me This Morning!!!

2 Pounds to Go Until the Next “Chunk” is Done –

and I can finally get NEW SNEAKERS!! YAY!!!!

– So far I’ve lost almost 78 pounds! Only 41 to go! –

For those who have been following this “life in the weigh” weight loss journey, my loss has slowed down considerably and instead of 4 -10 pound loss a month, it’s been 1 or 2 or even not at all. I thought last month’s “Fit Club” workouts would kick-start but I sabatoged my efforts by too many cheat meals/snacks. Oh, and there’s that sugar addiction / emotional eating thing I’ve been battling unsuccessfully.

But my body must have been ready to get back on the horse because I’ve lost about 4 pounds in 2 days! Possibly water weight but also went to Hatha yoga last night and think that helped. Will be doing Bikram tonight (very hard and HOT!) to continue the momentum.

I’ve been seeing posts, and posting myself, about struggling with continuing the losing process, especially after losing a significant amount of weight but still having quite a bit to go. It’s like part of us wants to quit and say “Wow, look what I did accomplish!”. But we owe it to ourselves, our loved ones, and our health to go the distance and then maintain our healthier lifestyle and regular activity.

Why? We’re truly WORTH IT!! So don’t give up. Post and let us support you. Log on to Sparkpeople and other inspirational sites. I’m so proud to have met such incredible people on your own journeys. Together we can do this!!!